In the event that you own a business of any size, web hosting is a need. It’s anything but an extravagance. You easily can find the cheapest web hosting. Either someone has a single-page website, multi-page website, or an eCommerce store, web hosting is a must.
The initial phase is building your internet-based presence. It will be done when you find the organization that stores your site’s documents and convey them to your users. Obviously, I’m talking about a web host. Choose a web host which is trustworthy and transparent. Well, from transparency I mean your host must give you each and every detail of packages, especially the unlimited ones.

Why? Because there can still be some limits associated with so-called unlimited packages. You will know about it more during this blog.
You should always keep in mind the types of web hosting and what features they have. For example, shared hosting, VPS, Dedicated hosting, etc. Each one of them has different features and limits. Making such a decision is very important especially when you
Affordable Web Hosting For Small & Large Businesses
As I said earlier, you should consider all aspects of web hosting while choosing the best and cheapest web hosting packages. Apachis has the most advanced and powerful packages that will lead to a successful and enhanced user experience for your users. I’m gonna give a detailed overview of upgraded packages here. So, stay tuned with the blog.
See, if you select something less powerful package for a large business, that is not going to work. The same is the case with small businesses. You definitely don’t want to spend more than desired for a small business.
When it comes to a business, always choose the best. For example, advanced features like cloud storage and 24/7 support, etc. Apachis is highly recommended for this. All growing and established businesses have updated databases and storages systems. So, why not you? Sometimes we don’t feel the need of upgrading such things and that’s where we’re lacking.
You’re here reading this because you already feel the need of having a smooth and extraordinary hosting experience. Moreover, you must have some things in your mind that you may not be clear of. Just don’t worry about that. Here are some packages on Apachis which are going to help you make your website boost very soon.
Web Hosting Packages
Web hosting plans differ according to the type and genre of business. If you are running a blog, business website, or an eCommerce store, we got you!
1- Web Hosting For New Business
This is called the basic plan for a new business website. It covers everything that a business website hosting may need. So, the best cheap web hosting includes:
- 4240 MBs of disc space which is quite enough if you are running a business and your website is new.
- 3576 MBs of bandwidth for a smoothly running website.
- The extravagant feature is that you are getting a free domain for the whole 1 year. Isn’t it cool?
- Free and auto SSL which is important to have.
- 3 Max SQL databases to store your data.
- 1 free site migration. Now, this is what not everyone is offering.
- Lifetime support is also one of the features of this plan.
- How can I forget about free LiteSpeed? Yeah, that’s also included.
2- Web Hosting For An eCommerce Store
It includes:
- 10240 MBs of storage.
- 10857 MBs of bandwidth. Additionally, the bandwidth range that I am talking about is on monthly basis.
- Max SQL databases and a 1-year free domain are included in this package also.
- We are giving lifetime support here. So, ask whatever and whenever you got into some trouble. We love to have queries and sorting them for you.
- Free LiteSpeed & free and auto SLL.
- Free migration for 1 website.
The price of this plan is quite reasonable. You can also name it budget web hosting.
3- Web Hosting For 3 Amazing Websites
Wow! This standard package is for 3 smooth-running websites. You can also name it as the best cheap web hosting for WordPress. Because the majority of people use WordPress. Let’s see what we have here.
- 20240 MBs of storage space.
- 30240 of bandwidth with one year of free domain like OH MY GOD…! This is very important for a fast-running website.
- The brilliant factor here is 20 Max SQL databases. You can store a hell of a lot of data in this way. So, store as much data as you want.
- Free & auto SSL.
- 1 website migration for free.
- Lifetime support.
- Free LiteSpeed.
4- Business Plan
This hosting plan is for 7 websites. Either you need a website because you’re a web designer or a business owner, this is a recommended option for you. Moreover, you are getting the cheapest web hosting per year here.
- In this plan, there are 35840 MBs of disc space which is above expectations.
- Bandwidth is quite the same as the previously discussed plan.
- Now for database, there are unlimited databases included in this plan. So, enjoy and grab data and make more entries that are needed for a business website. Moreover, business owners need to run ads for their business, and therefore lead forms are necessary. So make as many forms as you need and don’t worry about databases. This is the best thing so far.
- Here also included a 1-year free domain and SSL.
- 1 free site migration.
- 24/7 support.
- Free LiteSpeed.
How To Choose The Right Web Hosting?
At the starting of the blog, if you remember, I was talking about transparency. That is what Apachis is giving to its users. Additionally, if you are new to websites and all, shared web hosting will be the best for you. In shared hosting, as it is clear from its name, users share storage, and it is quite cheap. Actually, shared hosting is the cheapest one and has all the advanced features too.
The only reason why you shouldn’t choose shared hosting is that website might get affected by some other bad website in your shared space. Choose the cheapest web hosting if you’re a new bee. It will help you in exploring more with spending less money.
For that reason, you can shift to VPS hosting which I think is a better option for eCommerce and other heavy data websites. In VPS hosting, there is a virtually partitioned space for each website. The amount of space is something you can increase anytime after making a contact with your service provider.

For dedicated hosting, you must have some technical knowledge of handling things. Dedicated hosting or dedicated server can be chosen and used if your website demands high speed due to the large amount of data present there. It is extremely amazing to have dedicated hosting.
There is a choice of having your desired category of web hosting package. The only thing that matters is that it should be worthy enough of the money that you are spending on it. Also, having a clear discussion with your service provider is very important for excluding all the ambiguities that lie behind it.
If you’re clear with what you want, it will be easier for you to crack the right hosting type. These steps will help you get cheap web hosting for small business.
Apachis have the cheapest web hosting plans, click here to check!